
What is this?

This is a webring where all cardcaptor sakura fans can get together! It doesnt matter if you've watched the show once, haven't finished it, or watched and read every single thing made by CLAMP!

So, How do i join?!

Heres some simple rules.....
1. NSFW Allowed but you must tell me that. Though if your whole site revolves around that...please dont! No hard feelings!!
2. Dont have hate speech. No racist, political, sexist , homophobic stuff.
3. Anything that isn't handcoded aren't allowed, like carrd, rentry, strawpage.
4. make sure you have something to let me know you like CCS! Graphics are okay!

If all are these are okay, then fill out this form
if you have any questions email me at feitanportal@gmail.com (leave me alone i made this in 4th grade....). Or message me at yotsubalover on discord! If you message me on discord make sure to tell me or I'll think you're a scammer..

Cool! i'm accepted, widgets??



sugarfantasies sugarfantasies.neocities.org cute cute cute sunflower Alia! 3/2/25 No NSFW
sitename ibbofazblog Site filled with personal interests :) Ibbo 3/11/25 No NSFW
Renata's Laboratory Personal website with themes and snippets Renata's Laboratory 3/12/25 No NSFW