welcome to my FIRST layout! It's inspired by tommy feburary and her style! Feel free to edit anything, just please keep credits somewhere, could be my button or a line in the code saying I made this! Thanks, love Alia
this is what a link looks like, this is what bold text looks like,


is what h1 looks like,


is what h2 looks like,


is waht h3 looks like!
Box 1

put whatever your heart desires , this could be an about the webmaster box or i love my pets or uhh look at this cool flower i found box!!

box 2

I imagined this to be an area where i could but in funny photos or buttons!! Stupid graphics...

Your Site name!

You can put whatever in here!! I specifically designed this area to be like webrings and updates area so you can use it like that. But you can also use it like uhh microblog, ifram, youtube things, disclaimers!!
Roselia - Ringing Bloom